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Claim Your Power: Magickal Reset Menu

Writer's picture: molly robertsmolly roberts

author holding a teacup

headshot of the author smiling
How are you, Moon Baby?

It's January. The internet is brimming with new year reset videos evangelising ways to be harder, faster, better and stronger. Reset your LIFE/BUSINESS/EMPIRE in 45 simple steps! (Not to mention masochistic BANANAS morning routines.)

Not only is it very beige and exhausting- but I feel less and less interested in "succeeding" in an increasingly dehumanizing landscape.

I wanna feel witchy, electric, mythical, grounded, creative and potent.

I wanna feel capable, expansive and weirder than ever.

You too?

This year, instead of "New Year, New You"-
Perhaps we play with, "New Year, Ancient You."

Maybe you feel blue, blah, bored or heartbroken. Maybe the chaos of the world has pulled you away from your innate magick. Or you've just been really busy taking care of all your responsibilities. That's okay. Me too.

So let's talk about a magickal reset. The following are gentle ideas to reset our power, refresh our peace, and claim magickal potency and creativity today.


worksheet featuring illustrations of magickal rituals

🌙Dust off your altar and remove any spent offerings or items that don’t go “zing” in your heart. Rearrange your inner world and outer world at the same time.

INSTANT magickal refreshment. You’ll feel witchy as heck.


🌙Check in on the moon phase if that feels good. And be sure to visit them outside or say hello through the window.

Just looking at the moon unveils the immensity of the world and the stretchiness of time. Gazing at that giant beautiful floating rock in space can take us out of our heads and gently place us in the present moment.

spray bottle and smiling moon

🌙Eat a green thing or a lovely fruit. As you sup, imagine all the sunshine that was absorbed by that plant is being transferred to you-

Giving you vital sunny energy from the inside out.

Allow each bite to make you radiant.


🌙Play with a rock. Touch a rock. Make a pretty arrangement of crystals. Paint a rock. Put your paws on a big rock. Enjoy looking at your favorite rock.

Ask a rock to help you get in touch with your own rockness and slow things waaaaaay down.

drawing of fruit and crystals

🌙Commune with a divination tool to ask nourishing questions. If your oracle or tarot deck is lonely or you haven’t played with your charm kit or runes in a while. Pull them out and just hold them for a moment.

A deck of cards or dice remind us that there are possibilities we’re not aware of but are capable of pursuing.

Pull just one card and ask a question like:

🌙“How can I claim my power right now?”

🌙“How can I be most helpful and hopeful today?”

🌙“Where do my creativity and desire to serve converge?”

🌙“How can I recall the effervescent hilarious otherworldly truth of who I am?”

ink drawing of tarot cards

🌙Leave an offering of gratitude. Place a glass of water on your altar in honor of your ancestors. Sprinkle some bird seed for the neighborhood squirrels. Leave a love note for your Genius Loci.

A small heartfelt gesture of gratitude will reignite your magick.

🌙Psychic Pallet Cleanser. Find an example of good happening in the world. Resist the siren call of Doom Spiral media and find a gem of humanitarian love, climate success or a community win. (I personally love Positive News for this kind of pallet cleanser.)

drawing of a chalice and heart talisman

worksheet with illustrations of magickal self care rituals

🌙Give yourself the gift of a good cleanse. Brush your hair and comb out all the psychic flotsam clinging to you. Or exfoliate with a bit of oil and sugar in the shower. Sweep out your aura with a pretty feather. Give your paws a soak in some warm water and epsom salts.

(Personally, I like to cleanse with bundles of herbs or flowers dipped in special water. It draws me closer to my ancestors AND makes me feel like a supernatural nymph.)

You can go further and clean up your social media feeds and newsletter subscriptions to free up space in your head.

Have a quiet afternoon with no digital input.

You could abandon the internet entirely-

Transfigure into a great snowy owl and fly off into the starry tundra...

Whatever you have energy for.

We’ll be here when you get back.

A good cleansing ritual is relaxing and acts like a magickal reset button.

pen and ink illustration of a hairbrush and dancing heart

🌙Dance a cosmic dance. Dance to one song and imagine you're communicating with ancestors (human, plant and animal) through your limbs- receiving wisdom, strength and joy from the ground.

Imagine you are connecting through motion with every dancer that has ever danced- through good times and bad- and commune with their dancing through time.

Want to receive doodle-filled love letters, moon dust and art magick musings just like this?

illustration of dancing art supplies

Make something a younger you would love. Bake a batch of cut out cookies and frost them wildly. Craft a friendship bracelet. Make a mandala of your favorite candies to bring sweetness to your life.

Bedazzle a spelled patch for your favorite vest and make one for a friend.

Bless the walls of your home with chalk drawings.

Make a sword out of cardboard and duct tape to slay despair and brain rot.

Make a zine.

Make a page in your grimoire.

Make a welcoming space.

Make a World. 💖

Being a creative witch is being a creator: Plucking ideas from the ether to make them real.
Make things and be a creator of joy,
a creator of healing,
a creator of culture,
a creator of MAGICK.

That power is yours, Moon Baby.

Claim it.

May this magickal reset menu help you recover and fortify your powers, Moon Baby. We're in this together!

I can't wait to see what you create. ❤️‍🔥


portrait of the author

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